Saturday, December 12, 2009

lYf Is LyK a SeArCh EnGiNe

hmmm....what you peoples think about my sense the lyf is like a search engine,not like google or yahoo or msn.It just like,we always in search of something,when we are children.we just in search of a moment of happiness or some toys.when we are students we are in search of good marks,when we are so sad and so lonely then we are in search of someone really special who can give the meaning of life.there is lot of things that we are always searching.sometimes money,sometimes love,sometimes trust,sometimes true friend,sometimes our self.why just we always searching those things that give us happiness.why don't we search those things that give happiness to others.why we searching others until now we don,t know ourselves.this is not a question may be this is the answer of many questions.we just have to change the views & thoughts of ourselves.Then our search engine have results also.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


I had not listen about the Bhopal gas leak till today.But when i had seen that news that today is the 25Th anniversary of that biggest gas hazard that ever happened...You can't imagine around 22 thousand peoples were died in that and around 5 lacks peoples were affected by that gas leak.Around 2 thousand peoples and 3 thousand animals had died on the night of gas leak in just 3 hours.that was happened when a tanker of methyl isocynate gas was leaked.that tank was of an american gas company Union carbide.The tank no. was 610.That tank is there today also.Just imagine that scenario,you are walking down the streets and there is dead bodies everywhere.Until today,The culprit did not get any punishment.We just thought that only weapons can harm somebody and do the mass destruction.You can't do anything a situation like that, and we can't do anything now.we have to just pray that God will gave them rest in peace who lost their lives in that hazard and we should also pray that, Anything like that would never ever happen again.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

mY cOlLeGe-tHe 1St sEsSiOnAlS i come with my next episode of my college section.The 1st sessionals,the worst thing in college that you have to give exams & more bad thing that you have to pass also.But you know why this is so difficult to pass this sessionals because they are boring.but our group of friends make this very interesting.we play cricket daily after the exam.when i am giving my h.a.p exam i had only studied 15 Min's. and i know all the answers.but when i am giving my maths exam and i m studied around 4,5 hours i didn't even know that where is this questions were in the book.who is the the writer of my maths book sir Elbert Einstein or Sir aryabhatta.HUH!!!!! maths i could not get over it.i have two phobia's one is mathophobia and other you couldn't believe,that is girlophobia.didn't believe it,it is read right,after all sessionals are over so that's why i am here to make you bore!!!! and i thought i am all other things i will say in my coming episodes.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

SHADOW.....the only thing that is always with u....

The only thing that is always with you that is your shadow.It does not complaint....does not ask for anything it just be with you.Even when no one is with you.It does not matter for him that you are good or bad.You just does not think that you can't be alone because your shadow is with you.When you need a buddy to have a laugh or need a shoulder to cry.There is always me,myself n I.You are never, if u ever think that you are alone then just see your shadow and you know that you can't be alone even you also want that.It smiles when you will cry if you cry.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

mY cOlLeGe

hey peoples......i am starting the blog section my college is not so cool but i am interacting with new some nice friends and sometimes have fun. In my life till now i had interact with so many peoples and got a big list of friends more of them my best friends.......but new peoples are growing older so fast....i have got one friend who is just my mirror image and still finding more friends. In my class some peoples are two face peoples but at the end of the day all are nice.....teachers are nice some of them are very good other things i will say in my next blog.....

Sunday, September 27, 2009

I GOT THE 6TH SENSE!!!!!!!!!

You are must be amazed by my words but its true not every time but most of the time.Some incidents indicates i am chatting to some one and suddenly stops him and said that i want to say you something and said that you don't trust anyone easily. The opposite person replies how do you know?? i said i don't know.....i just knows that and he said that i don't trust my friends even my parents also.......i have only these words for them "I GOT THE 6TH SENSE"....some more incidents but in my next blog till then wait.......


You see the title of this blog and thought what is about it.....but really so much peoples thoughts that who they are ?? there are so much we don't why this earth revolving around the sun ?? why is your shadow always with you ?? why you always know that someone is always waiting for you ?? why you have tears in your eyes when you see something which touches your heart ?? why we are jealous sometimes ?? why we could not forgive someone sometimes ?? there is so many questions but so less, i am also don't know that who i am ?? why i am doing the work that i am doing ?? why i am always so kind ?? why i trust anyone so easily........ i have no answers for my questions.....but one thing i know just do what your heart says and have a true heart always as your heart never say lies!!!!!